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28226 Church Drive
Hilliard, FL 32046

(904) 845-7286


When We Meet

Schedule of worship services, what time does church start, meeting times, what time is service, what time is service on Sunday, what time is church on Wednesday, what time is church on Wednesday night, hours of services

We are a body of believers seeking to make much of God, and to that end we meet regularly to praise God through music, singing and the proclamation of the Word of God.

There is no dress code: come as you are. Our congregation wears everything from jeans to suits - we love you and want you to join us no matter your wardrobe!

We have Worship Services and Bible Study targeted for all age groups. Below you'll find our schedule of events that happen throughout the week. 

If its your first time worshiping with us, please stop by the main foyer and speak with an usher/greeter who will help you find your way to the appropriate place for you age group.


9:00 AM -- Men's Prayer (Library)
9:45 AM -- Bible Study for all ages
10:45 AM -- Morning Worship



6:00 PM Dinner on 1st Wednesday of Every Month

6:30 PM — Impact Youth Bible Study

6:30 PM -- Adult Prayer and Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)

6:30 PM — Children’s Church